Tuesday, October 9, 2007

Learning Profile

Some common themes I read in the Student Connect book include: different ways to become more connected and involved in your college and knowing your surroundings, different types of studying tips, and how to organize, prioritize and manage your time between school, extracurricular activities, work and free time. I really enjoyed the reading material eventhough, we did not thoroughly read it. Especially, the helpful studying tips and the true stories among the chapters.

My strengths as a student are mainly organizational skills and being able to prioritize my time. I have always had a job as I went to school and in my opinion the more involved you are and staying busy helps you when it comes to homework. It sets limits and times you have to get things done. I believe prioritizing is important to succeed. You have to know what is important and what needs to be finished right away apart from what can wait.

One main weakness I have as a student is reading. It is tough for me to sit down and just read. Especially if it is mandatory. I love novels and reading for my own entertainment. Why it is any different from reading a textbook, I do not know. I see many other studnets breeze throught the reading material one time and understand it completely, where I have to read through it atleast twice to fully comprehend it. I guess that is just one difficulty I will have to work on to improve, because as a college studnent that is very important and vital to succeed.

I was not exactly sure what this class was about as I came into it, but I am glad and thankful that I took it. I became more familiar with the campus and about myself. Mrs. Milbourn was very helpful and understanding. After taking this class, I know that I have an open and educated adult that I can turn to if I am in need of any help. So, Thank you Mrs. Milbourn!

I particularly liked reading and taking teh quizzes that were in the textbook about the type of learner I am. It is neat to find out those characteristics about yourself that you may not have known. Maybe thought you knew the perfect way to study, but realized that is not the best way or correct way you effeciently learn the material to the best of your potential.

I believe the content was covered in a good way. I liked the activites that were involved such as, going outside and doing an opinion activity on the sidewalk. I think it let us get to know eachother more and it is nice to change the atmosphere a little every once and a while. It is also good to stray away from book work and lectures.

For future students: I would just like to advise you to go to class, because Mrs. Milbourn makes it easy to get in touch with the college and teaches some helpful real life hints about succeeding. Also, ask for help if needed. She seems to be very open and loves to help! So take advantage of nice and understanding instructor, because there are not many out there!

I will always see this class as a good experience. It was much more fun than I had expected. Through class and tips I got to know the campus and met more people. I learned that interaction with teachers through e-mail and so on is a good way to stay on top of things.

Academic Plan

Well, for a while my plans were a total mess! Realizing what you want to do for the rest of your life, or even at the present time is a difficult task. With everyones input of right and wrong, which are hard to block out, sometimes its easy to lose sight of what you truly want to be doing. That is where I have been recently, lost. I have been torn between staying here at Butler Community College, going home to Liberal to attend Seward County Community College or even Cosmetology School. My mom is a big fan of me coming home and so are my friends. And I miss them so much and it gets really hard without them, but I have to move on. Liberal isn't for me, so I'm hoping they will migrate this way soon. Looking back and my very first blog it seemed as though I had everything figured out with my major and all, but now my mind has changed and I made a decision to attend Xenons Cosmetology School in Wichita. I'm really excited, because I have always wanted to do that, but didn't because of that famous input. So, I'm listening to myself and am going to major in what I love. Butler Community College didn't work out for me and that's okay! It is a good school and I would recommend it to anyone who asks. I will miss it, but I need to do what my heart truly wants to do! All i can do is pray and hopefully I will end up where I'm supposed to be! Bye Grizzlies!

Community Service

Sexual Abuse.
It's everywhere.
Not limited to a small town, large city, college campus, or high school.
Every six minutes a woman in the United States is raped.
Every two minutes an attemped rape occurs. Bottom line, by the time you finish reading this blog someone, somewhere will have been a victim.

However,females are not the only victims of rape, but males, children and adults.
CONSEQUENCE is the impact that child sexual abuse has on a victim/survivor and on our society over time.
Sexual abuse touches every life when it leads to losses of trust, decreases in self esteem, and development of shame, guilt and depression, eating disorders, substance abuse, suicide, promiscuity/prostitution, and other psychobehavioral issues;
The statistics are shocking:

1 in 4 girls is sexually abused before the age of 18.
1 in 6 boys is sexually abused before the age of 18.
1 in 5 children are solicited sexually while on the internet.
Nearly 70% of all reported sexual assaults (including assaults on adults) occur to children ages 17 and under.
An estimated 39 million survivors of childhood sexual abuse exist in America today. There are many steps to prevention
*Learn the facts
Realities—not trust—should influence your decisions regarding your child.

*Minimize Opportunity
If you eliminate or reduce one-adult/one-child situations, you’ll
dramatically lower the risk of sexual abuse for your child.

*Talk about it
Children often keep abuse a secret, but barriers can be broken down
by talking openly about it.

*Stay Alert
Don’t expect obvious signs when a child is being sexually abused.

*Make a Plan
Learn where to go, who to call and how to react.

*Act on Suspicions
The future well-being of a child is at stake.

*Get involved
Volunteer and financially support organizations that fight the tragedy
of child sexual abuse.

There is always counseling on campus and usually everywhere if you or someone you know has been or suspect sexual abuse.

Wednesday, September 5, 2007

time management

I have high expectations for myself when it comes to managing my time. I have always been on task with my homework assignments, being on time for class and work, and anything else that comes along. However, there are times when you just can't do EVERYTHING. I hate the feeling of being behind, even if I only miss one class I feel so lost. Consequences include: not completing everything when its due, which may cause my grade to lower, and simply not being there for the teachers lecture makes me feel less confident in what I had learned or try to pick up on my own. I use my weekly planner quite often. It keeps me organized and helps me to manage my time more efficiently. I have a sense of relief when everything I had planned goes well. It proves to everyone I know how to manage my time. The busier I am, the better I seem to manage my time. That seems bazaar, but so very true. The more time I have on my hands the more I take that time for granted and procrastinate. Usually, putting things off until I have to rush to finish them, which is not the way I like to do things. So, I try my hardest to stay busy. During high school is when I picked up a lot of my organizational skills. They are something you can't learn from someone else, because everyone has their own way of doing things. Now, in college, I use the same time management just possibly trying to better them. I could use a more designate time set aside just for my homework, or maybe even use some tutoring on campus. Also, still searching for a job to help keep me busy. Other than that, my time management skills are not too shabby.

Saturday, September 1, 2007

Butler Resources

It's normal when a girlfriend comes to you with her boy problems, but this was beyond my control. She needed advice from a professional counselor. She's in love with a boy. He left for college and left her at the same time. Left her alone to find out she is pregnant with his child. Too young to raise a child alone; however, at Butler Community College there are early childhood classes to help her learn how to care for her child the right way. Taking classes and taking care of a new child may be difficult for a mother so online classes might be helpful! Right now, so much responsibility has been placed in front of her that the thought of being successful might be vague in her life, but here are some tips. She was very concerned about how she would be able to attend school and support herself and her child financially. At BCCC, there is financial help. I hope these resources are useful!

Thursday, August 23, 2007

about me...

I'm Kassandra Renee Cole. I was born in Elk Grove, Illinois. I moved to Liberal, Kansas when I was four. Liberal was not my favorite place in the world, however, many great things came out of that little town. I have the best friends anyone could ask for, which are hard to come by. My Mom is a beautiful person inside and out. I couldn't imagine living this life without her. I have many answers to the cliche question "What do you want to be when you grow up?" As of right now, my major is Psychology. I am leaning toward more of a behavioral science. One dream has always been to become a dolphin trainer and I'm not losing sight of that! Another dream is to make people feel beautiful. So, I plan on attending Cosmetology School after receiving my Associates Degree. There is much more to me, but there are some simple things.